Living the Dream
Living the Dream
Living the Dream story update and news
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Living the Dream: The Story.
Living the Dream is an enrichment and continuation of the previous year’s project: “Brave New World”. It is a story of transition which can be understood on many levels - by children who have had to leave family, move into care, move home or school or perhaps had to find refuge in a new country.
Set in the distant past, before the age of machines and computers, it is an adventure story of a people whose home is under threat and who journey together to find a new place to live.
On their travels, by land and sea, they overcome many dangers and difficulties but arrive eventually at the island of their dreams, an extraordinary place, quite unlike anything they have ever known.
They set out to explore it but soon discover it is already inhabited. The islanders are very different from them and are not in any frame of mind to accept strangers: they are in crisis, with a huge problem of their own.
The newcomers offer to help and, in doing so, take on a task that tests all their courage and ingenuity. They are ultimately victorious but their greatest challenge will be to find a way for both peoples to live together in harmony on the island.
The buttons below link to a series of teacher's notes and resources along with MP3 files to help you guide your students through the development process.
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